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Last updated Oct 31, 2023


# Metadata

# Online writing journey

Nicholas Cole was a professional World of Warcraft player in his high school days. He started a blog to write about gameplay but he quickly noticed a few important things:

He began writing every day on Quora, and every question was a creative writing prompt. His first responses almost got no views, and this is where most people would have given up but he pressed on. The key to success he realized was consistency. He used a mixture of his experience at work and life to find answers to Quora questions and simply wrote it from his point of view. Sharing universal life lessons make his content go viral.

The moment he went viral, he immediately put together a personal website and sold eBooks about health and fitness to the traffic that was visiting his site. But he didn’t stop writing on Quora even after he got invited to write for Inc magazine. He doubled down on Quora and answered one question, while writing one article for the magazine, every single day.

By now, he was a successful online writer with a paid publishing gig. Then he realized that he can use his writing skill to become a ghostwriter for executives.

“It took me a long time to realize that writing online isn’t just for writers,” he says.

# Why should you even have a blog (or not)?

You should have a blog for two reasons only:

  1. For monetizing website via ads, aka, the media business.
  2. For selling products like online courses, aka, product business.
    1. Your main purpose is not to build an audience, but drive traffic based on specific keywords so that people can buy your product. A great example of this is Hubspot.
    2. The other reason is if you are a solopreneur where you can sell your coaching services. Your purpose is to capture specific kind of traffic. A good example is Kindleprenuer - a website dedicated to teaching you how to write and self-publish ebooks on Amazon.

If you don’t fit into these categories then blogging is not the right answer. For most people, a website is an online business card. This is different from the business of online writing.

There is an exception to this rule - Mark Manson who wrote “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fck”. He started off by writing a blog which then got him famous. He is an outlier who started blogging very early. This is not the recommended path anymore.

Simply starting off with a blog is a wrong way to do it because you are starting with zero traffic and the only way to get traffic is:

But none of these methods help you share your insights and ideas at scale.

# What is online writing?

The definition of online writing is:

Sharing thoughts, stories, opinions, and insights on a platform that already has an active audience

If you are on a platform where an audience already exists, that’s online writing. If you are writing on your own platform hoping an audience will come to you, that’s blogging.

Still processing đŸ‘‡đŸŒ

# New highlights added October 31, 2023 at 4:54 AM