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Turning music into a chore is how I became a musician

Last updated Jul 5, 2022

# Summary

The author of this article explains that by treating music making like a routine job that you do everyday, and putting in the time day after day without worrying about how good the output is, you can become really productive and consistent in making music, and produce high quality work.

# Highlights

This follows the same principle that I’ve heard Misha Mansoor from Periphery talk about. He made tons of songs under the name of Bulb. He mentions too that he kept at it, till he got better at composing music. For example, he released his 110-song album from his pre-Periphery days in various parts. https://blabbermouth.net/news/peripherys-misha-mansoor-to-release-10-albums-of-bulb-material/

# References
