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being driven has become an addiction

Last updated Jan 25, 2023

Society celebrates an individual who works faster and faster, trying to cram more tasks into the day, and prioritizing work over all else, and describes such an individual as being “driven”.

In reality, we are in constant flight from our own minds, because we do not have the patience to spend time in it. Instead, we rely on technology to make things faster, and try to go faster still. Chronic impatience has become a key characteristic of the human condition, where we cannot wait for the timer to run out, can’t wait for the lights to turn green and where we submit to distractions at the earliest opportunity that we are too restless to sit down and read a book.

Reframe your perspective to accept that hard things in life take time.

“We labour at our daily work more ardently and thoughtlessly than is necessary to sustain our life,” wrote Nietzsche, “because to us it is even more necessary not to have leisure to stop and think. Haste is universal because everyone is in flight from himself.”

# References