🪴 Vik's Notes


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developing ideas from your note system

Last updated Dec 17, 2022

When connecting ideas together either for exploration or for concrete purposes of writing, creating or solving a problem, you will work with your note system to create a first draft.

Create a new note and link your slip box notes into them to create an outline for a draft. This is only temporary and can change as the idea develops. If it changes significantly, you can even create a new note and link the old one to track the changes.

Do not worry about gaps in the notes while you are arranging notes, you will fill them in later as part of your writing process. You can create notes about the gaps in the thought process if needed.

During this process you will discover long forgotten notes and make connection that you did not know were possible. You will refine your notes, come up with contradictions and corrections to your permanent notes.

# References

Conventional writing methods are flawed right from the start Good workflow design Using the zettelkasten method to produce written work using zettelkasten for music composition