work strategies for successful writing
- Do not multi-task. Dedicate your focus on the task.
- Different kinds of reading (textbook, blog, article, etc) and different aspects of writing (draft, writing, proof, etc) require different kinds of attention.
- Avoid following prescribed strategies to be a succesful writing, and develop your own through experience and failure. Become an expert.
- Break up tasks into smaller pieces and work on them to completion. Capture thoughts along the way.
- Focus on the creation aspect, not the workflow, and work on what you feel like. Minimize the need for willpower.
- Look at the topics where your notes cluster; that dictates the topic you will write on
- Write for multiple projects concurrently switching between them as often as you like
- Never fear to cut text, recreate drafts and rewrite as many times as necessary
# References
Good workflow design Role of willpower in doing work mindset of a creative person alternates between playful and narrow focus modes The importance of writing for learning, understanding, thinking and retention