The Bottom’s Up Approach To Writing That 99% Guarantees A Successful Article
# The Bottom’s Up Approach To Writing That 99% Guarantees A Successful Article
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# Highlights
Most writers have two problems that stop them from creating consistent content. They either sit staring at a blank page wondering what to write. Or they put so much effort into one piece of content but really have no idea if it will resonate or not with their audience. But writers who take a bottom’s up approach to content creation discover: Their ideas are clarified further the more they write about them. They never start from a blank page because ideas get promoted upwards from tweets to essays to articles and beyond. They always have a good idea of what resonates because ideas have already been tested down the ladder. Their content creation feels effortless because each level builds on the next and the positive signal provides motivation to keep creating. ⤴️
If you’re a writer and you’re not on Twitter, start there and build an audience. ⤴️
All you have to do is commit to writing one tweet a day. ⤴️
At the end of each week, go back through all your tweet stats and find the ones that resonated with your audience the most. ⤴️
Step 2: Take Your Best Tweets & Turn Them Into Essays Once I find the ideas that are resonating each week I turn those ideas into atomic essays. ⤴️
Two reasons why I love Atomic Essays (before writing articles): They are quick to write. If you already have an idea it’s not hard to get it to that next step of 250 words. They are easily consumable. You’re not asking people to leave the platforms (which Twitter hates) and they can be consumed in mostly less than a minute ⤴️
I’ve found leaving about a 2-week gap between the original tweet and a follow-up essay creates the best results. ⤴️
Step 3: Turn Your Best Essays Into Articles ⤴️
It takes me far less time to write an article because: It’s already half-written with an outline from the essay. I’ve articulated it previously in a tweet & an essay so I’m getting clear on the idea. I have feedback in the form of Twitter comments which helps me expand on the idea even more. ⤴️
Step 4: Turn Your Articles Into Any Number Of Things ⤴️
This is where you can start to think about products like guides, courses or even books. If you’ve ever been scared to create a product wondering if people would buy it, you have your answer as the ideas get traction at each level. ⤴️
By using the bottoms-up approach to writing you remove some of the risks in all those hours toiling away. ⤴️